This page is part of the Peace Heathens' Seattle Crisis Resource Directory.Homeless ResourcesNearly all sections of the Crisis Resource Directory should be of use to some homeless people. This page lists resources that are particularly targeted for homeless people. Other pages that should be particularly useful to homeless people are Shelters, Housing, and Showers, etc.
Compass Housing Alliance
Mail, banking, message phone for homeless, "protective payee", hygiene center (shower and toilets). Transitional housing and some permanent low income housing units for adults and families. Showers and laundry offered from 7 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Call for other services: schedules vary.
Compass Center/Adult Service Center
Laundry & showers available to both men & women 10:30 am – 7 pm. Towels & soap provided. Sign up that morning for a time slot for either service or both. First come, first serve. Limited bus tickets available upon request.
206-464-1570 515 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104 Women age 18+ (no minors) and men 60+ are welcome. Men 18-59 only if severely disabled, mentally ill, physically or developmentally disabled, medically/physically compromised, chemically dependent (and working with a counselor). Free mental health screening/referrals; free mail service for night shelter residents; non-12-step support and shelter referrals for chemically dependent homeless. Open for day services 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Night shelter for priority clients. Verified 02/2014
YouthCare's Orion Center
Open Monday-Friday (and briefly mid-day on Saturday) for youth ages 13-22. Case management, food and shelter referral, plus the following services:
Overnight shelter beginning March 1, 2014: ages 18-24, must have valid ID. Shelter-users will be selected by a lottery system. Call for further details. Verified 02/2014 Lazarus Day Center206-623-7219 416 Second Ave Ext S., Seattle, WA 98104 Provides safe daytime shelter and services for homeless and low-income men and women aged 50 and older, including meals, snacks, haircuts, clothing, laundry facilities and showers, library, drug and alcohol counseling. 1 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 7 days a week. Transportation provided to St. Martin De Porres Shelter upon approval.
206-292-6214 410 Second Ave. Ext S., Seattle "A sacred space for homeless and at-risk American Indian and Alaska Native people." Must be Alaska Native or American Indian with Tribal ID. Member services Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Nutritious breakfast; showers, laundry, clothing, access to health care, drug, and alcohol treatment. Also financial assistance, housing, medical, clothing, and utilities: call for details.
Share Wheel Storage Facility
Storage of small quantities of clothes, luggage, etc.; locker (lock provided).
Drop off and pick up Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Saturday-Sunday 7 a.m.-9 a.m.
No money payment required, but participants are expected to work one 2-hour shift/month,
and attend one organizing meeting/month on a Sunday morning.
Real Change
Seattle’s weekly "street Paper". For individuals who need income.
Vendors receive first 5 copies free at 1st orientation and next 5 free at 2nd orientation.
After that, vendors pay 60 cents per copy, leaving the vendor a $1.40 cent profit on each paper sold (street price is $2).
Orientations at 10 a.m. Monday and Friday.
Wellspring Family Services Baby Boutique
Requires a referral by a case manager. Free diapers and children's clothing for homeless families. Referrals for other services.
Wellspring Family Services Housing Services
Requires a referral by a case manager.
Homeless intervention: Provides case management and access to long term housing for homeless families living in King County.
Provides interim housing or shelter, plus support services including counseling, child care, and parenting support.
Referrals to services such as medical care, employment, education, training opportunities.
Wellspring Family Services Early Learning Center "Morningsong" program
Requires a referral by a case manager.
Specialized childcare for homeless children ages 1 – 5 years old.
Transportation, meals, in-classroom therapy, pediatric nurse practitioner, dental screenings.
Provides diapers, clothing, warm coats, and toys.
The following resources should be particularly useful to homeless women:
YWCA WorkSource Opportunity Place
Job listings, other job search help, including access to phone, computer, job-hunting workshops & classes.
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mary's Place
Day center 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. for homeless women & their children. Showers, laundry, restrooms, etc. Breakfast and lunch sometimes available. Night Shelter 5 p.m. – 7 a.m. Up to 30-day stay for women with children; call for space availability.
Intake with staff at the day center.
*** If you have ideas for inclusion on this page, please send us mail. We are particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has been homeless about what organizations have been most useful to you. Related Seattle Crisis Resource Directory topics: Nearly all sections of the Crisis Resource Directory should be of use to some homeless people. The following are probably of particular interest: Other related topics:
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