Outdoor meals
These meals are open to all.
Seattle Outdoor Meal Site
206-922-2015 (Operation Sack Lunch)
6th Ave. & Columbia under Interstate 5 (no physical mail)
Email for Operation Sack Lunch:
Precise details have been known to change over time. The following should be accurate as of January 2016.
- Weekdays:
- Operation Sack Lunch: Monday through Friday breakfast 8:30-9 am.
- Operation Sack Lunch: Monday through Friday lunch (hot meal) 1-2 pm.
- The Lord's Table: Monday through Thursday dinner (hot meal) 7:30 pm - 9 pm.
- Mercy Driven Ministries: Friday Hot Meal 6:30 pm
- Saturdays:
- Bible Study Outreach Ministries: sack lunch 12 noon - 1pm, every Saturday.
- Seed of Abraham Pentecostal Church: snacks 1 pm - 2 pm, second Saturday of the month only.
- Mount Zion Baptist: hot meal 4 pm – 5 pm, first, third & fifth Saturday of the month only.
- Nancy Kim & Friends: hot meal 5 pm – 6 pm second Saturday of the month.
- Elizabeth Garza-Lomeli: hot meal 2 pm – 3 pm, third Saturday of the month.
- Restoration Life Church: hot meal 2 pm - 3pm, fourth Saturday of the month only.
- Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church: hot meal 5 pm - 6:30 pm, fourth Saturday of the month only.
- Sundays:
- Anonymous Acts of Kindness: hot meal 1 pm - 2 pm, every Sunday.
- Mount Rainier Christian: hot meal 6 pm - 7:30 pm every Sunday.
- Mother's Kitchen: hot breakfast 11 am - 12 noon second Sunday of the month only.
- Curry Temple: lunch 2 pm - 3 pm, third Sunday of the month only.
All of the above meals are provided at Seattle Outdoor Meal Site.
Verified 01/2016
Rainier pop-up kitchen
Provides a meal Sundays from 3 - 4 p.m. under the I-90 overpass on Rainier Avenue South. Sometimes has clothing items to give away as well.
Verified 12/2017
Food Not Bombs
206-729-0384 please leave a message
mailing address: P.O. Box 45523, Seattle, WA 98145-0523
Vegetarian dinner served every Sunday approximately 4 pm in
Occidental Park (in the Pioneer Square neighborhood). Usually also has free produce and bread.
Food Not Bombs also hosts 2 other free produce distributions (not meals as such):
- Saturday Free Market, 12 noon at Yesler Community Center.
- Cascade Free Market, Sunday 1:30 pm at Cascade Peoples Center.
See for further details and other services.
Verified 01/2016
Other "open" meals
These meals are free and open to all.
Millionair Club Charity
2515 Western Ave.; Seattle, WA 98121
Meals served:
- Mon-Fri 6:15 a.m. - 7 a.m.
- Mon-Fri 12 noon - 1:30 p.m.
No meals Saturdays (just job despatching). Closed Sundays.
Verified 09/2016
Blessed Sacrament Church
5050 Eighth NE, Seattle 98105
Meal Sunday, 12 noon - 2 pm at Parish Hall on 8th Avenue side of building, open to all.
Food baskets with ID Friday
10:30 am - 12 noon. For food baskets, must have ID demonstrating residency in area bounded by the
Ship Canal/ Lake Union, First Ave NE, 20th Ave NE, and NE 70th Street. Bus routes 66-67.
Verified 01/2016
Immanuel Lutheran
1215 Thomas St., Seattle 98109
Community meal last Sunday of each month at 12 noon.
Verified 01/2016
Fatted Calf Cafe at St. Paul's Episcopal Church
15 Roy Street, Seattle 98109
On the last Tuesday of every month at 5pm, St. Paul's offers a sit-down meal for anyone from the community to share quality food and conversation. All are welcome - there are no restrictions to who is allowed to join.
Verified 08/2018
Seattle Indian Center
611 12th Ave. S., Suite 300, Seattle 98144
Breakfast Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Lunch Mon.-Fri. 12 noon - 1:15 p.m.
Food Bank Tuesday & Thursday 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Open to people of all ethnicities.
Verified 01/2016
Phinney Neighborhood Soup Kitchen
St. John's Lutheran Church
5515 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle 98103
Free meal at Greenwood Senior Center, 525 N 85th Street (between Dayton Ave N & Fremont Avenue N; on #5, #48, and #355 bus routes). Open to all, all are welcome.
- Monday dinner. Doors open 4 pm, dinner 5 pm - 6pm.
Free meals at St. John's Lutheran Church (across from Woodland Park Zoo, on #5 bus route). Open to all, all are welcome.
- Tuesday dinner. Doors open 4 pm, dinner 5 pm - 6pm.
- Wednesday lunch. Doors open 11 am, lunch 12 noon - 1pm.
Verified 01/2016
Community Lunch on Capitol Hill
1710 11th Ave Seattle, WA 98122
Open to all, all are welcome.
- Free lunch, Tuesday & Friday, 12 noon – 1 pm., Central Lutheran Church Parish Hall, 1710 11th Avenue; Seattle, WA 98122.
- Free dinner, note different location, Wednesday and Thursday 5 pm – 6 pm, All Pilgrims Church, 500 Broadway East (entrance is on Republican); Seattle, WA 98102.
Verified 01/2016
ROOTS Young Adult Shelter Friday Feast
206-632-5163 (voice mail)
Chapel on the Ave; 4130 University Way NE; Seattle, WA 98105
Fridays 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Unlike other ROOTS activities and services, this is open to all ages.
Verified 01/2021
St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church Community Dinner
722 N. 145th Street, Shoreline, WA 98133
Free, open to all. They say, "We are family friendly and have high chairs and booster seats for little ones." On the north side of N. 145th about 2 blocks west of Aurora Avenue N.
By bus, the E line stops at Aurora and N 145th; the 304 Richmond Beach stops on 145th even closer to the church.
Verified 03/2016
Meals for youth and/or young adults
Teen Feed
mailing address: 4740-B University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
Meals for youth and young adults.
Dinner served nightly, housed at different locations in the University District:
- Sunday, Monday, and Friday 7 pm -8 pm at University Lutheran Church, 16th Ave NE & NE 50th, entrance is down the stairs off the
lawn at the corner of 16th NE and NE 50th.
- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7 pm - 8 pm at University Congregational Churd UCC, 16th Ave NE & NE 45th, entrance is down the cement
stairs off 16th NE.
- Friday 7 pm - 8 pm at University Christian Church, 15th Ave NE & NE 50th. Eentrance is off the alley at
the south end of the church (enter the alley off of NE 50th).
- Saturday 7 pm - 8 pm at ROOTS Young Adult Shelter, downstairs at University Methodist Temple Church, NE 43rd and 15th NE.
Entrance via the alley behind the post office, through the blue doors at the south end of the church.
Verified 01/2016
YouthCare's Orion Center
1828 Yale Ave., Seattle, WA 98101
(corner of Stewart St. and Denny Way)
For youth ages 12-22.
- Breakfast: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.
- Lunch: Monday-Friday at 12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m.
- Dinner: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. No Tuesday dinner.
Verified 01/2016
Other meals
The following meals are typically either for specific demographic groups
or require attending a religious service or paying a small fee. See individual listings for details.
Meals On Wheels
Fax: 206-448-5756
2208 2nd Ave; Seattle, WA 98121
Application required. Click here to apply to the program or
click here for additional information.
It takes approximately 2-3 weeks to get on the program after application is received.
Meal and grocery delivery for homebound persons 60 or over. $3.00 per meal if able to pay. Food stamps OK for groceries. Also meals for homebound persons under 60, $4.50 per meal.
Verified 01/2016
Asian Counseling and Referral Services (ACRS)
mailing address: 3639 MLK Jr. Way S. Seattle, WA 98144
This is the only food bank in Washington that regularly distributes foods for Asian and Pacific Islander diets.
Lunch at 919 S. King Street, Seattle
- Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., for people over 55 and adults with disabilities.
- Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., for the general public.
Also, various weekly meals at several different times and locations for elderly of various
Asian and Pacific Island nationalities, call for details.
Verified 01/2016
Union Gospel Mission
318 Second Ave. Ext. S; Seattle, WA 98104
- Free breakfast 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m., seven days a week.
- Free lunch 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Monday-Saturday.
- Free dinner 5:30-6:30 p.m., seven days a week.
Verified 01/2016
Bread of Life Mission
97 South Main Street; Seattle, WA 98104
"All welcome":
- Coffee and assorted snacks, Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Lunch, Monday-Friday, 12:15 p.m. - 1 p.m..
- We have heard somewhat contradictory reports about whether attendance at chapel service is required for dinner. Their own web site
simply says:
- Chapel 6:30-7:10 pm (Tue.-Sat.)
- Dinner (Mon. 6:30 pm; Tue.-Sat. 7:15 pm)
- Overnight bed sign-up from 5:30-6:15 pm and 8:00-8:15 pm
- $5 fee + valid ID required, men age 18+ only
- Doors close at 8:15 pm.
Verified 01/2016
Chief Seattle Club
113 Cherry Street; Seattle, WA 98104
Breakfast & sack lunch for members only, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Phone to ask about becoming a member.
Verified 01/2016
Related Seattle Crisis Resource Directory topics:
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February 2016 |
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